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Low risk, high reward workplace

Experiments for workplace design

How is low workplace occupancy impacting design strategies?

With low workplace attendance, it is difficult to validate hypotheses around your corporate workplace design. For instance, if your objective is to increase collaboration in the office, and your office space occupancy is at 20%, it will likely be challenging to measure whether your design decisions have an impact on whether employees are coming to the office or not.

What is workplace design?

To design your spaces purposefully, define, ideate, experiment, and validate your space layout to ensure that the office is cost-optimized, sustainable, and most importantly, delivers delightful and productive employee experiences.


Common corporate space design challenges: 

  1. Not knowing what space types employees want and value. This includes variances by role, team, and geography.

  2. A risk of incorrect and costly corporate space design decisions 

  3. Obtaining C-Suite buy-in for space design investments when the risk of failure is high can be challenging



An accurate workplace design strategy can drive the bottom line by:

  1. Attracting potential employees and helping retain current employees.

  2. Increasing office space usage and utilization across your portfolio

  3. Creating the ability to be adaptable and flexible in the face of changing needs through continuous experimentation and smart design

Start your experiment now

Five experiments you can start doing now to improve your corporate office design strategy.

Click each experiment to expand. 

1. Measure office space utilization of your workplace by space type.

2. Test design hypotheses on a small part of your workplace

3. Consider consolidating your space to reduce operational costs

4. Consolidate your space to increase your office space utilization rate

5. Discover your ideal employee-to-seat ratio


Download a free template to design your experiments

Download a PDF version of the guide to running experiments in a low occupancy world to walk you through experiment design and how to produce a business case. 

It includes a template to run your own experiment.
