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How JLL, Corporate Real Estate Leader, Creates Dynamic Workplaces Using Data

March 24th, 2021 | 5 min. read

How JLL, Corporate Real Estate Leader, Creates Dynamic Workplaces Using Data


VergeSense is the industry leader in providing enterprises with a true understanding of their occupancy and how their offices are actually being used.

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Enterprises around the world are making the choice to incorporate tools and technologies into their corporate real estate portfolios to better understand occupancy trends, how their offices are being used, and where employees spend most of their time. While companies re-imagine the purpose of their physical offices, their decisions should rely heavily on employee-centric data and real-time workplace analytics. Making informed decisions to transform your CRE into a competitive advantage while improving the employee experience is the next frontier in the future of work. Take a look at the case study below to learn more about how corporate real estate leaders are creating safe, dynamic, activity-based workplaces using real-time occupancy data.

JLL Case Study: Creating a Dynamic Workplace for All

JLL, the world’s second-largest public brokerage firm, providing commercial real estate services to Fortune 500 companies around the world, is using VergeSense workplace analytics data to power decision making around delivering an effective workplace environment in their own offices. JLL manages over 4.6 billion square feet of corporate real estate and understands that improving the human working experience is essential to the future of working.

To unlock the potential of their workforce, JLL, along with many of their clients, are transitioning their workplaces to be dynamic, activity-based environments that increase productivity, while fostering strong peer engagement.

Starting with four premier properties in England, JLL turned to VergeSense to help them gain a deeper understanding of how their workplaces can be used to provide a safe and effective environment for their workforce to deliver optimized business results.

JLL’s Workplace Setup

  • 4 buildings  
  • 10 floors  
  • 638 sensors  
  • 156,912 of usable square feet  

Bringing Real-Time Data to Life to Create an Engaging Employee Environment

Research has shown that companies delivering a great employee experience outperform the S&P 500 by 122%. And companies with highly engaged workforces are 21% more profitable than those with poor engagement. Whereas traditional work environments may be exclusionary to employees of different needs, dynamic workplaces support a dynamic cross-section of humans.

Streamlining key data attributes, including real time occupancy data, is integral when compiling and interpreting workplace-related insights. JLL uses data to understand, connect, and control every facet of their offices and facilities. For example, leveraging digital displays in common use areas, JLL utilized live occupancy data to provide better workplace knowledge for their workforce. Real-time data enables workplace teams to understand how the assets within their portfolio are occupied and effectively enhance the overall workplace experience.

A Smarter Office Benefits Both Employees and the Bottom Line

Enterprises just like JLL are considering the benefits of creating dynamic workplaces with real-time occupancy data. Transitioning facilities to a more dynamic workplace yields benefits immediately, and only grows more impactful over time. Whether you need to better optimize your corporate real estate portfolio, drive facility cost savings or enhance the employee experience, a dynamic and smarter workplace will unlock hidden potential in every corner of your organization.

With a workplace analytics platform, you can identify underutilized spaces and surface opportunities to meet growing needs within your existing real estate portfolio. For example, a separate undisclosed organization was able to save $30 million annually by identifying underutilized spaces in its corporate campus while redesigning them to safely fit 30% more people. Another company used information on underutilization in their main office to reallocate seating more effectively and end the need for an additional coworking space, a cost avoidance of $250,000 per year.

Examples of Dynamic Workspaces

Although we live in a time where the future of work is constantly evolving, offices remain a competitive tool to create an inclusive, equitable, healthy, and supportive employee experience. Here are just a few examples of how companies, like JLL, are implementing dynamic workspaces: 

Implementing Booking Systems – Booking systems facilitate creativity and collaboration. Employees can book available seating based on the needs of their workload. Real-time occupancy sensors show employees which workstations are available to reserve and which are currently occupied.

Dedicated Quiet Zones — Sometimes the office can be a loud space — buzzing phones, co-worker conversations — which often makes it difficult for an employee to get their work done. Quiet zones, like chatter-free pods, help employees focus without distractions. 

Hybrid Meeting Rooms  — With employees working remotely and in-office, it’s important to invest in new technology that accommodates a hybrid workforce. Meeting rooms need to implement new technology (A/V, IT, monitors) to include all participants, whether in the room or remote.

Social Hubs — Community hubs with accommodations like casual outdoor seating encourage a sense of belonging and foster co-working relationships between employees and staff. 

Platform Centric Environments and Learning Hubs — These are spaces used to feature talks, presentations from thought leaders, and other learning events. 

Final Thoughts

A workplace analytics platform positively transforms company real estate while boosting employee satisfaction and productivity. The VergeSense Platform combines best-in-class optical sensors, a scalable analytics tool and expert guidance to identify curated insights and transform your business. 

With VergeSense, enterprises experience:

  • The power to turn real-time data into action
  • Best-in-class AI powered sensors
  • A scalable operating system for your workplace
  • The ability to design a workplace that empowers your workforce

Discover how VergeSense can transform your workplace — request a private consult with one of our experts today.  


Download the full case study in its entirety to discover more on how JLL unlocked the full potential of their workforce, with VergeSense.